Wednesday 7 November 2012

I have been rather neglectful of my blog this week. I apologise.
I put this down to a couple of reasons, the main one being that the weather has well and truly changed. I know, at best, this is actually a bit lame!
But it has been so coooold, and I have found it quite difficult to get going and cracking on with all the things I actually need to be cracking on with.
Instead I have been doing a lot of time wasting, and drinking very hot tea.
I hope I am not the only one who struggles at the onset of winter? (Feel free to re-assure me).

However, today I have turned a corner. I spent the morning crafting with a couple of rather lovely friends of mine, and it has given me the push I needed to crack on!
Nothing is finished or ready to be shown to the world, but I am on the case.

In the meantime, I would like to say a big fat Congratulations to America. I am truly over the moon that you have chosen Mr.Obama to lead you for another 4 years.
I really, really like him.

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